Cities: Skylines

We loved working on one of the finest city building sims ever created, delivering a sweet two-trailer complimentary package for the announcement and release of Cities: Skylines’ awesome Sunset Harbor DLC. Using a client-provided free cam build of the game we take viewers on a flythrough of the new content and features that have been added to the series. Seamless transitions between shots highlight the infrastructure available to players and the types of cities they can create.

Sound and VO proved to be the defining features of both the announcement and release trailers. The dual VO of the announcement trailer, inspired by radio news broadcasts, offers a dive into the newly introduced fishing industry, intercity buses, and transport hubs. The release trailer features an awesome licensed soundtrack that nails the energy of a city in motion in a smooth minute-long cut.

To tie this all together, we created our usual sleek text slates and placed them in the main edit to simulate an in-world text effect. Working in tandem with the Announce Trailer’s dual VO, new content is called out to get virtual city planners pumped for many more hours crafting their ideal metropolis.

Cities: Skylines - Announce Trailer